Tomasz Ciesielski PSM

Film edi­tor. Gra­du­ate of Film Edi­ting at Polish Natio­nal Film, Tele­vi­sion and The­ater Scho­ol (PWS­FTViT) and Facul­ty of Orga­ni­za­tion and Mana­ge­ment of Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­si­ty of Lodz. Mem­ber of Polish Film Edi­tors Asso­cia­tion (PSM). More info...

Piotr “Nalen” Nalepa

Pro­du­cer. He gathe­red his know­led­ge of pro­duc­tion and post pro­duc­tion over a deca­de of expe­rien­ce in adver­ti­sing, brad­cast and film pro­jects. Expe­rien­ced in every acpect of pro­duc­tion. Per­fect client com­mu­nia­tion skills are his gra­test talent. 

Maciej Frydrych

Colo­urist, on-​line edi­tor. Gra­du­ate of Facul­ty of Elelc­tro­nics and Infor­ma­tion Tech­no­lo­gy at War­saw Uni­ver­si­ty of Tech­no­lo­gy. Over 10 years of expe­rien­ce in adver­ti­sing and bro­ad­cast. Ver­sa­ti­le pro­fes­sio­nal at all sta­ges of post pro­duc­tion.

Justyna Nowak

Direc­tor, scre­enw­ri­ter. Gra­du­ate of Film Direc­ting at Polish Natio­nal Film, Tele­vi­sion and The­ater Scho­ol (PWS­FTViT). Author of awar­ded short films and ani­ma­tions. Directs drama series, adverts and music vide­os. Cur­ren­tly wor­king on full-​length featu­re debut. More info...